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Spinach & Beetroot Oats Appe
Course snack
Cuisine indian, south indian
Shallow Fry
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Course snack
Cuisine indian, south indian
Keyword Shallow Fry
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
  1. Coarsely grind rolled oats and collect aside. Dry roast semolina until fragrant and keep aside.
  2. Mix oats and semolina together and add spinach puree, fresh green peas, cumin powder, green chilies, grated ginger, fresh chopped coriander, salt, cooking soda and yogurt. Combine to make a flowing batter. (Add water if the batter is too thick)
  3. Heat a paniyaram pan and add few drops of oil in each section. Now add spoonful of batter into each section and close lid. Cook for 3-4 mins on low flames and then flip to cook the other side too.
  4. Insert a tooth pick inside and cook till it comes out clean.
  5. Serve hot with any of your favorite dip or may be a simple tomato ketchup.
Recipe Notes

If you enjoyed reading this recipe then try making at home and share your feedback with me in comments below.

Love : Shaheen 

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