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Pineapple Srikhand – Fruit Flavored Sweet Hung Curd
Course dessert
Cuisine indian
Prep Time
8 Hours
Cook Time 10 Minutes
Course dessert
Cuisine indian
Prep Time 8 Hours
Cook Time 10 Minutes
  1. To make hung curd at home, take fresh curd and tie in a muslin cloth. Hang in a clean dry place for atleast 7-8 hours or preferably over night. You can place a container or a bowl beneath to collect the water from curd and further use it in making curries etc.
  2. Collect hung curd in a clean and dry bowl and add pineapple essence and powdered sugar. Whisk with a hand blender until smooth and creamy. You can also add cardamom powder if you like the flavor.
  3. Add some cut pineapple pieces to the srikhand and give a gentle mix. Refrigerate to set and later garnish with pineapple chunks, mint leaf and some cherries to add beauty and color. Serve chilled.
Recipe Notes

If you like this recipe then try making at home and you can also share your version using any fruit of your choice in comments below. 

Love : Shaheen 

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