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Mysore Pak
Course dessert
Cuisine indian, south indian
Prep Time
10 Mins
Cook Time 20 Mins
Course dessert
Cuisine indian, south indian
Prep Time 10 Mins
Cook Time 20 Mins
  1. Sift besan and keep aside in a dry bowl. Grease a tray or a baking pan and keep ready.
  2. In a non stick wok/ broad pan heat water and sugar and boil it to make a one string syrup. Meanwhile add 3/4 cup of oil with besan and make a batter
  3. In a separate pan heat ghee and left over oil together.
  4. When the sugar syrup is ready start adding the besan batter and keep stirring continuously. Keep the gas flame in medium always. Keep adding the rest of the batter by stirring continuously. While stirring the batter start add the hot ghee and cardamom powder from top. Keep stirring to avoid forming lumps.
  5. As soon as the batter starts to thicken and start shaping into a lump by leaving from the sides, pour the thick batter on the greased tray and tap so that the batter spreads evenly.
  6. Let it cool and set in a cool dry place. Preferable under the fan. Once the Mysore pak is set properly, invert the tray and de mold the spread.
  7. Cut into long rectangular pieces and store in an air tight box.
Recipe Notes

Mysore Pak is a traditional Indian sweet where basic ingredients and method remains the same and I’m glad not much variations are made to this authentic sweet. So, if you like this recipe then try making at home and let me know if you have any questions. 

Stay safe, happy cooking.

Love : Shaheen ❤

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