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Burnt Garlic And Beetroot Soup
Course soups stews
Cuisine global
Blend, Boiled, Sauteing
Prep Time 10 Minutes
Cook Time 25 Minutes
Course soups stews
Cuisine global
Keyword Blend, Boiled, Sauteing
Prep Time 10 Minutes
Cook Time 25 Minutes
  1. Wash and peel beetroot and keep aside.
  2. Heat butter in a pan and add chopped garlic, saute them until dark golden and crisp.
  3. Now add chopped beetroots and saute them until aromatic.
  4. Add some water, just as much as you need to cook the beetroot. Close lid and cook until beet is cooked. Turn off the gas and let the beetroot cool completely.
  5. Now transfer the beet mix into a grinder jar and blend to make a smooth mix.
  6. Heat butter in a pan and add gram flour to roast. Once aromatic, transfer the beetroot mix into the pan and stir well. Let the mix come to a boil, simmer the gas and let it cook until desired consistency is acquired.
  7. Add rock salt as needed and sprinkle some sugar and lemon juice on top. Give a quick stir and turn off the gas.
  8. Strain the juice through a sieve and discard the impurities.
  9. Serve the beetroot juice in a bowl, garnish with some cream, fried garlic and coriander. Serve hot or warm.
Recipe Notes

If you liked this easy Burnt Garlic Beetroot Soup recipe then try making at home and share your stories with me in comments below. For more updates follow me On Instagram. 

Happy Cooking! 

Love : Shaheen ❤

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