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Paneer Gulab Jamun (Festival Recipe)
Course dessert
Cuisine indian
Deep fry

Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
For Syrup :
For Paneer Gulab Jamun :
Course dessert
Cuisine indian
Keyword Deep fry
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
For Syrup :
For Paneer Gulab Jamun :
  1. Take paneer in a clean dry plate and mash with your lower end of palm to break granules and make it fine and smooth.
  2. Now add flour and baking powder to the paneer and mash again. Collect the paneer dough and cover with a muslin cloth for 5 mins.
  3. Pinch a lemon size portion from the dough and gently roll between the palms to make a smooth ball. There should not be any cracks in the ball.
  4. Place the prepared paneer balls in a plate and again cover them with a muslin cloth and keep aside.
  5. To make syrup, take a bowl and add sugar and water and heat. Let the sugar dissolve and boil till you get one string syrup.
  6. Add cardamom powder and saffron to the syrup and keep aside. You may also add 2-3 drops of lemon juice to the syrup to avoid forming crystals.
  7. Heat ghee or oil in a deep wok and reduce the flame to medium low and gently drop the paneer balls in batches of 4-5. Fry the balls till golden in color and then strain them on a kitchen towel and keep aside. Fry the rest of the balls in same way and keep aside.
  8. Now drop all the fried gulab jamuns to the sugar syrup and cover the bowl with the lid. Let the gulab jamuns soak in the syrup for atleast 40 mins to one hour.
  9. Garnish the Paneer Gulab Jamuns with chopped nuts and dried rose petals and serve warm.
Recipe Notes


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Love : Shaheen

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